Creative Lawyers


Creative Career Coach


Salome is very talented and speaks passionately about her craft but just as importantly she is responsive and easy to work with – a true professional.

Im/  satisfied client


At the heart of Creative Lawyers is a commitment to empowerment. I want my practice to be a beacon of possibility, showing you that you are not confined by the rigid structures of you current role. Instead, we focus on your strengths and the opportunities that lie ahead.

My mission is to empower you to pursue your creative goals, make informed decisions, overcome obstacles, and live your life to the fullest. We aim to help you craft a career that aligns with your passions and strengths.



Picture this: one month into my legal training at a prestigious law firm, I found myself crying in the bathroom at work. I realised that, although my work was challenging and intellectual, it wasn't fulfilling. I needed to express myself more artistically. Since BigLaw didn't seem conducive to creativity, I decided to look elsewhere for my fulfilment.

At first, I wasn't sure how to build a creative life, but I took a leap and taught myself. I documented my journey and the processes I followed to discover my creativity. I read books, listened to podcasts, and studied the creative processes of artists, musicians, designers, and architects. I took courses on personal branding

My coaching story begins over nine years ago, sparked by a coaching session with an unimaginative coach. That initial experience was meant to ignite inspiration, but instead, it left me feeling deflated and unseen. My coach at the time was skeptical of my vision—an ambition to blend creativity with a career in law. They dismissed my goals as unattainable, even silly. However, as a natural optimist, I refused to let that negative experience define my journey. I vowed that if I ever started my own coaching practice, I would do things differently.

I believed wholeheartedly in the possibility of a creative and fulfilling life, but I knew I had to be my own proof. Thus began my journey, starting small with coaching engagements for small organizations and law firms. As I shared my story, professionals—especially lawyers—were drawn to my approach and began seeking my advice. It was then that I realized my true calling: helping others recognize and harness their potential.


Coaching Style

At the heart of Creative Lawyers is a commitment to empowerment and creativity. I want my practice to be a beacon of possibility, showing clients that they are not confined by the rigid structures of their current roles. Instead, we focus on their strengths and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Over the years, I have immersed myself in a variety of coaching disciplines. My studies have included:

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): To help clients reframe their mindsets and overcome mental barriers.

  • Holistic Coaching: To address the whole person, integrating personal and professional development.

  • Art Therapy: To unlock creative potential and foster self-expression.

  • Personal Branding and Etiquette: To help clients present their best selves in any context.

These diverse techniques allow me to offer a comprehensive, personalized coaching experience tailored to each client’s unique needs and aspirations.

Whether you’re curious about executive coaching, contemplating a career pivot, aspiring to entrepreneurship, or looking to boost your creative confidence, Creative Lawyers is here to support you. We guide you on your quest for self-discovery, providing clarity and confidence in your decisions.


Clifford chance


slaughter & May


Cambridge University



Salome attended our flagship event and in front of c.200 in person attendees, gave a powerful inspiring speech which was very well received and resonated with a lot of attendees.

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